Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stitches of Hope Feb meeting is a record-breaker!

We had a great Stitches of Hope meeting a few days ago. A new record may have been set – 19 people were there! The weather cooperated and everyone obviously was taking their vitamins and were healthy. Dozens of caps were turned in. We have such fun looking at each other’s work and admiring the choice of colors and stitches. I always learn something.

Let me add a couple of notes: we’re (finally) approaching spring so the caps should get a little lighter in weight. Double stringing the threads creates a thick cap. These make for tricky mailing as they don't like to bend to go into a box.

Also we may want to think of using lighter colors of yarn to reflect spring – peach, yellow, green, pink, lavender. Oh, just the thought of seeing these colors in flowers like tulips makes me tingle!

Finally, we can use more sewers of turbans. This is a big need for this as most of our volunteers crochet or knit. The turbans use lightweight material, such as single knit. I’ve been told they take approximately 15 minutes to cut/sew. Can't beat that! If you have material to donate, that would be a help too.

If you have an interest in contributing to Stitches of Hope either with caps or financially (98% of our donations go toward mailing boxes of caps to hospitals), please contact us at We’ll answer questions and direct you to websites with cap patterns.

Happy stitching!

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful meeting indeed. I have posted a link to this blog on facebook, Stitches of Hope - Northeast Indiana.
