Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Little Things Mean a Lot

Do quotes ever motivate you to do something?

They do for me.

I’ve always liked this one from anthropologist Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

I found it again today and thought about it as I packed up more boxes to send out our free caps to people with cancer and other medical problems. Some of our caps are tiny as they are for children and babies. Its terrible to think of children being ill. I have no medical background whatsoever so I can't treat them. I have no money to start a foundation or add a wing to a hospital.

But I do have 10 fingers that allow me to make pretty, warm caps for men, women and children in need.

I have a computer that allows me to contact places that can use our caps.

I have a post office system (USPS) that will pick up Stitches of Hope packages at my home, instead of carrying them to the post office (ClicknShip).

I have friends and family who support this effort.

All of it together adds up to a lot of pluses.

Here’s another article that talks about small gestures that mean a lot. I encourage you to read it. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/06/22/politics/main5104343.shtml

Here's a quote from the story that reminds us little things mean a lot:
"Sometimes, it's the smallest gesture that makes the difference to these vets," Duckworth said.

Whenever you’re thinking that the number of caps you create to share with others doesn't amount to much, just remember these sayings. They’re true.

God bless those of you who help Stitches of Hope and other organizations who provide comfort to people with cancer and other medical needs.

We may never know the difference it makes in someone’s life – and that’s OK.
These knitted caps w/ a twist are lovely and warm outdoor caps. We emphasize high quality work for our recipients -- they deserve the best!

Take care,


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